Get ready to launch through the stratosphere with Karen Epps, the founder of Unity Global Heart Ministry, an online spiritual community. Passionate and powerful, Karen helps people discover the secrets of success, satisfaction and self-awareness.
“I’m living life with a capital L,” she says. “It’s the only way to align with the divine.” One of her out-of-the-box, innovative programs is titled From Hormones and Creams to Sharing Dreams. “Every woman over 50 knows exactly what I’m talking about!” But no matter your age, Karen’s enthusiasm and wisdom will infuse your life with love.
“The original cellular communication is our very own body,” she says. “It’s time to reconnect.” From recovery issues to radical forgiveness, Karen’s life-changing workshops get to the heart of the matter, opening the door to transformation.
A Unity minister, she describes herself as a fun-loving and dynamic leader who thrives in a collaborative environment. Her websites are and Join the conversation at
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