If ALL your exes were brought together, what would they say about you?! Author Grace Fraga teaches how to maximize your relationships with ex-spouses, ex-lovers–and even ex-booty calls. Her book “Love at First Ex: Self Help Edition” reveals foolproof methods and techniques that will turn your exes into valuable resources for your future.
“If you can look back and honestly observe your actions, you will always learn something new, something healing,” she says. “I am no longer a victim to my past love mistakes.” A comedian and self-described “Margarita Mama”, Grace also reveals the triumphs and struggles of being a Latina stand-up in a male-dominated profession. Her website is www.gracefraga.com.
“Shift happens right where you are,” says LeGrande. Join the conversation at www.getboldtoday.com and share your personal story of triumph with the hashtag #getboldtoday on social media.