For every news story of Hollywood parents accepting their trans children (Cher, Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt), there is a tragic one happening in homes all across the country (the suicide of teen Leelah Alcorn).
“I knew something was different from the very beginning. My child was a big ball of confusion for me.” So says Gloria Parker about her journey to accept her transgender child.
“Meeting Robyn” is the true story of a young mother and her son who have to deal with their pain and confusion over his sexual identify. Robert is haunted by his urge to be female and feels trapped in his male form, until he finds his true identity in Robyn.
With no handbook or roadmap for these two to go by, they have to find a way. Today we discuss their BOLD journey to healing and truth.
“When a child takes a path towards something outside the norm,” says Gloria, “it’s a parent’s natural tendency to feel judged and then to worry about their child being in danger. It’s a scary, scary process but it all leads back to love.”
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